Join us for our NSAfC Framework Relaunch Webinar

Come along and hear about how the NSAfC framework is used on a variety of construction projects to deliver employment and skills social outcomes for local communities. The NSAfC model, developed by CITB and endorsed by construction sector representatives, offers a comprehensive approach with key performance indicators (KPIs) aligned to project value and type and are designed to foster opportunities for new entrants and workforce development.

Why attend the webinar?

  • Learn about the principles and benefits of using the National Skills Academy for Construction (NSAfC) framework to achieve social outcomes
  • Explore how to deliver effective Employment & Skills Plans and how to meet your social value obligations with ease
  • Find out how the CITB team can support you from initial application and throughout project duration, and learn about the funding opportunities
  • Hear about recent revisions to the framework following industry feedback

Speakers will include super users of the framework from a local authority (Hampshire County Council), a Contractor who has completed an NSAfC project and an expert in The Procurement Act.

Agenda - NSAfC Framework Relaunch Webinar

  • Welcome

    • Elizabeth Steel, Customer Engagement Manager – NSAfC and CE Support Advisers, CITB
  • Overview of the NSAfC

    • Elizabeth Steel, Customer Engagement Manager – NSAfC and CE Support Advisers, CITB
    • Background of the framework
    • Reason for relaunch
    • KPI benchmarks
  • How Hampshire County Council have used the framework and benefits achieved

    • Katie Matthews, Development Manager - Skills & Employment, Hampshire County Council
  • Overview from HCC minor works and the Southern Construction Framework team on their new initiative using NSAfC

    • Alex Neall, BSc (Hons) MCIOB, Hampshire County Council
  • NSAfC - KPIs

    • Laura Guy, Senior Customer Engagement Manager, CITB
  • How to get involved (CITB next steps)

    • Maggie Stefaniak, Early Careers Manager, Tilbury Douglas
  • Update on the Procurement Act

    • Peter Ware, Partner, Browne Jacobson
  • Final questions and close


